List of All Important Events and Days for May

Updated: 6 Jan 2024


May is a month filled with celebrations and special days that make it truly unique. From honoring cultural traditions to raising awareness about important causes, each day in May has something meaningful to offer. Whether you’re looking for a reason to celebrate, learn, or simply explore something new, our list of May’s special days will inspire you.

Keep reading to discover the highlights of this month and make the most of these memorable occasions!

All Important events & days of May
May 1stInternational Labour DayInternational
Maharashtra DayIndia
Gujarat DayIndia
May 2ndWorld Tuna DayInternational
World Asthma Day (First Tuesday of May)International
May 3rdPress Freedom DayInternational
May 4thCoal Miners’ DayInternational
International Firefighter’s DayInternational
May 5thBuddha PurnimaIndia, Nepal, Sri Lanka, & Bhutan
May 6thInternational No Diet DayInternational
May 7thWorld Athletics DayInternational
Rabindranath Tagore JayantiIndia
May 8thWorld Red Cross DayInternational
World Laughter Day (First Sunday of May)International
World Thalassaemia DayInternational
May 9thEurope DayEuropean Union
May 10thWorld Lupus DayInternational
May 10thWorld Migratory Bird DayInternational
May 11thNational Technology DayIndia
May 12thInternational Nurses DayInternational
May 13thMother’s Day (Second Sunday of May)USA, Canada, Australia, and several other countries
May 14thMother’s Day (Second Sunday of May)UK
May 15thInternational Day of the FamilyInternational
May 16thNational Wear Your Pajamas to Work Day (Friday)USA
May 17thWorld Telecommunication and Information Society Day
World Hypertension Day
May 18thWorld Bakers DayInternational
May 19thHo Chi Minh’s BirthdayVietnam
May 20thWorld Bee DayInternational
May 21stNational Anti-Terrorism DayIndia
May 22ndInternational Day for Biological DiversityInternational
May 23rdAscension Day (Thursday)Christian countries
May 24thCommonwealth DayCommonwealth of Nations countries
May 25thMemorial Day (Last Monday of May)USA
May 26thSpring Bank Holiday (Monday)UK
May 27thNational Learn to Fly DayUSA
May 28thMenstrual Hygiene DayInternational
May 29thEid al-Fitr (Date may vary)Muslim countries
May 30thPentecost SundayChristian countries
May 31stWorld No Tobacco DayInternational

May Special Days, Special days of May, May days list

Fazal Abbas

Fazal Abbas

Fazal Abbas is a Google-certified Digital Marketing and SEO specialist with 5 years of experience. Passionate about internet research and writing, he manages successful blogs that showcase his expertise in creating engaging, results-driven content.

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